How Business Coaches Can Use Email Marketing for Lead Generation

October 17, 20224 min read

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Businesses employ the use of email marketing as a form of marketing because the strategy is successful. You can quickly and easily get in touch with potential customers by using this mode of communication; however, in order to maximize the effectiveness of this potent marketing tool, you need to ensure that you are using it correctly.

How to use email for lead generation

The use of email marketing as a marketing tool carries with it a number of advantages. To begin, this method of getting in touch with potential customers is very economical. You can deliver a message to a prospect in a very short amount of time, as opposed to sending out a message by regular mail and incurring the cost of postage.

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Plan Your E-mail Marketing Strategy

If you want to get the most out of this tactic, you will need to go above and beyond simply sending out a broadcast message via e-mail to everyone you can think of who might be interested in what you have to say. Targeting your messages in emails to potential customers whom you believe will be interested in what you have to say is a much more effective strategy.

It is not the purpose of this to send out a massive amount of emails in the hope of getting a few good leads. Your Return on Investment (ROI) will be significantly improved if you research the topic thoroughly during the planning stage and give some thought to the ways in which you can personalize the content of your email message to the recipient.

The email subject line: make it count!

If you can’t get your prospect to open your e-mail, you have no chance of connecting with him or her. Get creative when composing your subject line so that the person receiving your e-mail will be curious enough to click on it.

Neil Patel also suggests that incorporating a conversational tone into your subject line results in higher open rates. For example, headlines containing their first name, such as Jenifer, do you see this? Or, concise headlines such as "5 steps to set up your systems in 30 minutes." One rule is to ensure that they are realistic.

Keep your email short

Neil Patel claims that if you keep your email to less than 200 words, you will  get a better click through rate of about 7-10%.

The reader will have a better chance of comprehending what you have written in your email if you keep it to a reasonable length. Sending lengthy emails to your audience is not the best way to engage with them. In today's society, the majority of people are seeking instant gratification, and in this fast-paced world, they require you to get straight to the point.

It is not appropriate to include a lengthy dissertation in the email marketing campaign that you are running. It's possible that you have a lot of information that you want to share with your reader, but now is not the time to bombard him or her with it. At this point, you want to walk the fine line between providing enough information to make your reader take the next step and making the email so long that your reader closed it before getting to your call to action. If you provide enough information, your reader will take the next step.

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The Benefits of a Sleazy-Free Email Marketing Strategy

Nobody enjoys being sold to all the time; instead, you should give the impression that the choice was made by your audience. Before you ask for the sale, you should provide them with something of value first. There are strategies that can be utilized to ask for the sale without directly asking for the sale. For example, you are currently reading this article, and I am providing you with the information that you require to increase the number of leads that you receive from email.

Tell the Reader What to Do 

When sending e-mail marketing messages, be sure to specify the desired action of the recipient. It is crucial to the success of your campaign to provide a clear call to action. Such as, "Click here to schedule a call today." Click here to purchase this item immediately. You can also offer promotions to readers who frequently open your email, such as coupons, special offers, and special training.

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If you follow these strategies to generate more email leads, you will be able to continuously add new prospects to your mailing list, which will result in increased sales for your online business.


If you’re ready to start generating leads like a pro, it’s time to put your email marketing strategy into action. We hope these tips have given you some ideas on how to get started, but if you need more help getting your campaign off the ground, drop us a line. Our team is happy to help! In the meantime, don’t forget to drop the link to your landing page with your email marketing optin in the comments below – we want to see how well you do!

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