An image of sales automation a funnel

How small Businesses Can Automate Your Sales Process

May 11, 20233 min read

Do you know what your customers sales cycle look like?

What is the journey and how long does it take for a prospect to become a customer?🤔

First, if you do not know what your customers sales cycle is, then you cannot strategically make decisions on how to improve the process.

Second, we will not know what automation strategies to inject in that process and when.

Why is this important?

Knowing how long it takes for a prospect to become a customer is important so you know if it takes them 14 days you need to nurture them for 14 days using a combination of automation strategies.

It can look like this

Social Media ➡️ Lead magnet ➡️ Workshop ➡️ Purchase

They saw your post, video, reel etc., on social media and the call to action was to download my free copy of X and once they optin, you invite them to a live workshop where you provide value and the solution to their pain and then they purchase.

Jen, How in the heck will I know this?

AHA this is where the right tools come into effect.

Having the right automation tools CRM will allow you to measure your metrics and the customer journey.

In marketing everything is interconnected and all the processes feed off of one another.

This marketing strategy combines, email marketing, with funnels, websites or landing pages and the use of marketing automation.

With the proper tools you can implement strategies like lead scoring, which is assigning a number number to leads based on their activities in your CRM. You can set up automation to say if a lead reaches a score of 20 assign a sales rep to contact this lead.

In order to use lead scoring you must also have a sales email automation in place.

See how they are all connected!

Using the proper automation strategy and metrics will help you manage business better.


Sales Automation Checklist

Here is a quick checklist you can use to make sure you are ready to go!

  • Identify your customer sales cycle and map out the journey.

  • Choose the right automation tools such as a CRM, email marketing software, and marketing automation software like High Level view our demo here:

  • Develop a lead magnet that is right for your customers and contains value to the customer. such as an ebook, whitepaper or free trial, to attract potential customers the most important part is to make sure it capture theirs contact information.

  • Set up an email marketing campaign for every service you have to nurture leads and build relationships with your prospects the key here is VALUE and CONSISTENCY.

  • Use marketing automation to streamline repetitive tasks such as lead nurturing, email marketing, and lead scoring.

  • Create a sales email automation that sends personalized messages to prospects based on their actions in the sales cycle.

  • Use lead scoring to prioritize leads and assign sales reps accordingly.

  • Continuously track and analyze your metrics to measure success and optimize your sales process.

  • Regularly update and improve your automation strategy to meet the changing needs of your business and customers.

  • Create a traffic driving source to continue to push qualified leads your way so you can get them in your CRM and create a relationship with them.

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